No cash...but
1 breakfast sandwich
1 medium drink
About $5 if you break it down to money.How many people have won money from mcdonalds monopoly?
pfft! Not many. Have you ever heard of anyone winning? Besides the people they pay to go on tv and say they won. I think McDonald's monopoly is the biggest scam ever pulled on the public. What they do is print millions and millions of pieces, and only ONE of say park place or some other piece. This one piece is somewhere in the world, maybe not even here in the United States. What a waste of time! I never play it when it comes out.
omg it's so frustrating lol
like every time I put in a code, it says that I'm lyke 1 away from winning $100,000
I'm NEVERRRRRR GOING TO WINHow many people have won money from mcdonalds monopoly?
I don't really spend much time trying to win when it comes out, but so far this year I've only won a cheese burger and my friend won a cone the same day.
I've never won, but that's because not only do I not even eat there, but I never win anything anyways.How many people have won money from mcdonalds monopoly?
last year i won $100 dollars 2 days b4 the game ended.. i had to go to Mc D. 3 times a week
Notta win here, only won a free breakfast sandwich.
nobody does that, but some fat people nearby won. here in wisconsin
I never did, But i love getting the instant wins :)
probobly nobody because its a rip off
Nope I never :(
probably no one.its all a big scam in the end anyway
who cares you want prizes buy more frys
not a lot
i havent and i dont know anyone
my brother won 50 dollars but of corse thats not very much
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